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Writer's picturejameslawrence87

November 2023

Volunteering always gets more difficult in the winter months, and so we worked on the PMV where we could, to allow ourselves extra indoor work space. Plenty of work was undertaken on the PMV; Primer was applied to the woodwork and red oxide primer applied to remaining metalwork. Then paintied with over coat, it is looking the part now in our siding. Various works continue inboard, to make it a place to work and recover – especially usefull during winter months.

The locomotive sander dome was fixed back onto the boiler section. More pipework was undertaken, including the blow down exhauster pipes and smoke box steam pipe blankers. These near completion, especially with the installation of a significant length of the exhaust pipe from the blowdown valve being affixed in place underneath the locomotive.

The second name plate board was installed in the cab, and is starting to fill up nicely. We received a visit from Paul Antell, who welded the remaining two supports for the edge of the grate inside the firebox.


Excitingly, work has begun on installing track from the P62 shelter to the 'main line' at shillingstone. This will enable 30075/30076 to roll out to the track when work completes this summer.

Some of the washout plugs had their threads cleaned up, and a start was made on the cab floor, checking fittings and preparing for the new floor.


You can support our project work by donating to us a 'Name Plate on the Footplate', or making a regular monthly donation to our work here

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1 Comment

Dec 14, 2023

Coming along very nicely!

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