A busy month, with plenty of preparation for the Shillingstone 160th Birthday event taking place. Work surged ahead to ensure that 30075 was looking her best.
Insultaiton of the boiler barrel was completed, and the second pair of cladding sheets were fitted. The smokebox received a coat of black heat resistant paint. The clack valves (of which much has been discussed) were trial fitted.
Fitting of the brake ejector exhaust pipe was undertaken and later in the month 30075's side tanks were re-installed, making 30075 look very close to completion.
More attention was given to the steam pipes in the smokebox. Further insulation was fitted to the boiler barrel, as was the second crinoline.
In preparation for the Shillingstone 160th, steps were put in place to allow the public access to the footplate.
The Shillingstone 160th event then took place. The weekend was very successful, and we raised a good amount of awareness and publicity for the locomotive. The day is nicely summarised in the video below;
Painting of the far side of the PMV continued, it now looks a very impressive green.